The Psychology of Smoking : World No Tobacco Day

Say no to what you know you should say no to. As the theme of World Tobacco Day says “Commit to Quit”, let’s get into the depths of this act. There are two reasons why people get into addictions : culture and escapism The illusion of fun is the first choice for us today andContinue reading “The Psychology of Smoking : World No Tobacco Day”

The Dichotomy Of Appearances

It’s said that they are deceptive but for me, appearances are a veil to something which hasn’t found the courage to be revealed. If we see things from a different perspective, a person who seems to be rude isn’t because of his or her inability to be nice but because of a subtle choice thatContinue reading “The Dichotomy Of Appearances”

Guide To Healthy Relationships : Blaming No One But You

It seems interesting that the biggest conflicts happen for small reasons. Did you fight that whole dark night for a little sentence that contained no significance and meaning but was just uttered? You know you get hurt when someone who you have expectations from, doesn’t listen and follows what you wished or requested. Although yourContinue reading “Guide To Healthy Relationships : Blaming No One But You”